Disable tree node based on time

As suggested by you i need to use the js file  dhtmlxtree_li.js   but i dont have that js file can you please send me the js file,
 also i want to disable the tree node on some condition how do i set the condition  i dont want by default to be disabled like this
       <item text="Top 50" id="top50" locked="true">
 on condition like
var tree = dhxAccord.cells("a1").attachTree();
  if(time>6 and time <18)
can this be possible please suggest me..


but i dont have that js file can you please send me the js file,
This is part of pro edition of dhtmlxtree
If you are have pro version - please check codebase/ext/dhtmlxtree_li.js , it it still somehow missed - please contact us directly at support@dhtmlx.com and provide your ref. number - we will send you necessary js file.

>> also i want to disable the tree node on some condition
There is no native support for such use-case, you can use js command ( lockItem ) instead of attribute and place all necessary logic in js code.

if (some_condition) tree.lockItem(“top50”);