display a image photo in a form

I have a image photo file which hope to display in a form field.

Now I want to ask how display image photo file and its operation ?

e.g. use what field type : container or input box .

Anybody answer my question ?

I want to ask how to display a photo image file in a form ?


correct you can use container
after form init:
myForm.getContainer(name).innerHTML = ‘’"

if you want to receive src for image from server, you can use template

if the image destination is < c:\ > or other disk drive.

how to perform ‘’" for image destination ?

myForm.getContainer(name).innerHTML = ‘’"

you need server side for this

how to perform server side ?

work as a target detination ?

your image should be placed under web server and then you need to provide link to src attr. if you image not visible under web server then you need some kind of script which will provide it to you client side.

sorry this is dhtmlx-related forum and future offtopic question will ignored

Hi, another way to show an image in a form is with a label.

{ type:"label" , name:"myimg", label:"<img src='/path/myimg.png'>", width:75, labelWidth:75,labelLeft:650, labelTop:435  },

The image needs to accessible from the web.

if you want to receive src for image from server, you can use template

Hi, I used a container to put an image into the form loaded from xml.

I’would like to load the image dinamically.
The image name is the id of the records browsed with a dhtmlxgrid binded to the form.

How can I do ?

my code is

		var foto = "1.png";
			contactForm.loadStruct("data/form.xml", function(){
			contactForm.getContainer("myfoto").innerHTML = '<img src="icons/'+foto+'">';

Help me please !!

Here is a sample for you
fruits.zip (652 KB)

thank you, very clear

You are welcome!