i am using calender from dhtmlxCalendar (dhtmlxSuite\dhtmlxCalendar\samples\03_events\01_calendar_onchangemonth)
for this i want to display my own event text to be displayed on the text area .
can you guide me
Not quite sure about exact use-case, but you can use scheduler.getEvents(start_date, end_date) - to get list of events, which will occur in defined range of dates.
like exactly our yearly calendar , here i want to use this 01_calendar_onchangemonth when the mouse over on the event date it should display like in yearly calendar .
till now i am using dhtmlxscheduler.js in that i am saving event and it is displaying event in may view like (daily,weekly, monthly, yearly) now exactly i want to display events in the dhtmlxCalendar can i pass these saved event and show the event when the mouse over on the event date(like our Yearly calendar) or it display on the text area (below of calendar)is it possible to integrate all together .
There is no built in integration.
While you can use API methods to link both components, it will require a lot of custom code