Displaying more than one timeline for each task

Is it possible to display more than one timeline for single task.
In my project, for tracking we are using three timelines.

  1. Forecast time
  2. Actual time
  3. Baseline time

These time will be applied for each of the task in my project.

So in my gantt chart, I am in need to display 3 timelines for each task.
In first line, Forecast time duration should display
In Second Line, Actual time duration should display
and Baseline time duration in the third line.

Thanks for your time.

it might be difficult with the current version of the component, but you may redefine a html content of an event and display there several absolute positioned elements (lines)
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt … plate.html

The upcoming version of the component has a public method that allows adding a custom elements in a more transparent way. You may check the dev build (note that it might be quite unstable), following example gantt/samples/04_customization/15_baselines.html
dhtmlxGantt_v2.1.1_140623.zip (662 KB)

Thanks for the response. Do you have any approximate date by which we can expect a beta version of the one we discussed below so that I can hold this till then?

there is no more or less precise plans yet, probably it will happen within a next three months.

I think this waiting period probably wouldn’t be a problem for us. But just wanted to know, when you say public method to add custom elements, you mean to say using this public method we will be able to add multiple timelines/bars? As discussed earlier in this post, we need 4 timelines/bars (Baseline, Forecast, Actual and Deadline) to be displayed in the Gantt chart. So does it support adding these timelines on the fly by calling the API methods? If that is not the case, would this be possible for your professional service team to help us in this regard? In that case I will initiate a request with your sales team for the effort/cost for this customization and also for the license costs. Please let me know.

With new API it will be possible to customize how task is presented in the view. In you case, it does mean, that new version will allow to define rules for rendering extra bars or extra markers ( Baseline, Forecast and Deadline ).

It will take about 12 lines of code to create extra lines that are necessary in your case.

So does it support adding these timelines on the fly
Not really on the fly. You will be able to configure them for the gantt, without ability to add|remove them later.