Displaying planner from a Java defined specific date


I know it is possible to set a specific date for start from the customer side like this:

scheduler.init('scheduler_here', new Date(),"timeline");

Like this, it will start from the actual date. Meanwhile, I would like to use a date I have in a database (and so, useable from my Java connector class) instead of this “customer side” date.

Is there a way to do it properly using a SchedulerConnector? Is there another way?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

The ScheduelrConnector only provides the data, it can’t affect any settings of the scheduler

If you are using javaPlanner (java wrapper for the scheduler), you can set the scheduler’s code from the java like next

DHXPlanner s = new DHXPlanner("./codebase/", DHXSkin.TERRACE); s.setInitialDate(2013, 0, 21);

Thanks for the answer.

Unfortunately I cannot use JavaPlanner (so I guess I pointed in the wrong part of the forum) for development. I guess I will have to use a javascript trick then.