DistributedParsing for Big node


I need to display big nodes from a tree, here is my tree:
-node100000 (with 100 000 children)
-node10000 (with 10 000 children)
-node1000 (with 1 000 children)
-node100 (with 100 children)
-node10 (with 10 children)

I use the method enableDistributedParsing to accelerate the display.


When I expand my node10000 the distributedParsing start without problem, but there is an issue when i try to collapse my node10000 without waiting the distributedParsing finished.

So I create a link to stop the distributedParsing before the collapse and a link to continue the distributedParsing :

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="tree1.enableDistributedParsing(false);">stop distribute</a><br>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="tree1.enableDistributedParsing(true,10,250);">continue distribute</a><hr>

The step “stop” work, but not the step “continue”.

If someone has an idea ?
Is it the best method to accelerate the display ?
I try with the enableSmartXMLParsing method : 26.52 sec for node10000 : too long
and I try with the enableSmartRendering method : 10.32 sec for node10000 : too long



When I expand my node10000 the distributedParsing start without problem, but there is an issue when i try to collapse my node10000 without waiting the distributedParsing finished.

We have not reproduced the problem locally. But you may try to disable item close before parsing is not finished for it. Here is how it can be done.

tree.loadXML(url,function(){ var pareseId; tree.attachEvent("onXLS",function(treeObj,id){ pareseId = id; }); tree.attachEvent("onXLE",function(treeObj,id){ pareseId = false; }) tree.attachEvent("onOpenStart",function(id,state){ return id!=pareseId }); });

Ok, I’ll try this thanks.