I have a project using the Grid where I need to manually iterate through the rows of the grid, and retrieve the values and attributes (specifically, the column id for the cell) for use elsewhere.
I’m having no problem doing the actual iteration using grid.forEachRow and grid.forEachCell, but even though I’ve then got the two indexes to address the cell, I’m not sure how to retrieve the values / attributes for the cell. I’ve been hunting in the documentation for info on this, but can’t seem to find it. The forEachCell method returns a cell object in the callback function, but I can’t figure out how to reference what’s in it.
Just need to get pointed to the documentation for this, if possible.
The information provided on the documentation of the cell object is excellent.
But I have a similar question, I am building the XML file with values extracted from a table in a database, and there are specific cells that I want to block or place only read, I know I can place a read only column but I do not want that, I just want to disable some cells when creating the XML file, I’m looking for the attributes of the tag but I do not find many
esta excelente la informacion aportada sobre la documentacion del objeto cell.
pero tengo una duda similar, yo estoy construyendo el archivo XML con valores extraidos de una tabla de una base de datos, y hay celdas especificas que quiero bloquear o colocar solo lectura, se que puedo colocar una columna de solo lectura pero no quiero eso, solo deseo inhabilitar algunas celdas al momento de crear el archivo XML, estoy buscando los atributos de la etiqueta pero no encuentro muchos
Totems is right. The best way in this situation is to block the edit operations for the specific cell returning false from the onEditCell event: docs.dhtmlx.com/api__dhtmlxgrid … event.html
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