Hi There,
i am testing the pro edition for company purpose. And i am little sad.
Documentation is -> pick your infos from all over the place.
Sometimes they are wrong, or the given samples are it trying to figure it out.
I give you a sample:
TROUBLESHOOTING!!! ( docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=othe … n_errors&s[]=dhtmlxgridcell )
In case of dhtmlxgrid
dhtmlxgridcell.js !!!###???
any extensions for the grid
Why is the order mentioned in troubleshooting everywhere in the samples and the rest of the doku, different from the order in the trubleshoot ( first grid, then gridcell? ).
Hope you could understand how ugly it is to troubleshoot, and get even more confused…
Instead of find help/answer…
Support should be paid extra, but how about a proper and full documentation?
I mentioned full ( where is the documentation for the grid footer navigation? ).
Should we do lego html to find out the proper structure ( pagingStateContainer within grid itself, pagingControlsContainer in pagingStateContainer yes no try catch? )…
Should we pay for such support request in the near future? Yes i know first month is free…