Does grid support localization? [solved]

Hey, hello. I use Vue.

  1. I want to localize the grid editor “datePicker”. What should I do?Can I use the method(“i18N. Setlocale ()”)?

  2. Can the grid editor “select” support the data format of {text: XXX, ID: XXX}?

Yes, you can use that common approach:

  1. Can the grid editor “select” support the data format of {text: XXX, ID: XXX}?

We’re planning to extend that functionality in the nearest time

I quote the grid in Vue. How do I get “dhx” ?image

Seems like you have a typo in “from”.
Please, try to use:
import * as dhx from "dhx_sources/suite";

Oh, thank you very much for pointing out my writing mistakes, and your answer is perfect to solve my problem:+1:


  1. Can the grid editor “select” support the data format of {text: XXX, ID: XXX}?

We have finally added the possibility to define the ids-values for the options in the combobox and select editors of the dhx.Grid.
Here are some simple examples of such initialization:
Please, try to download the latest available dhx.grid build (currently it is 7.3) to get this functionality.