double-click event to open lightbox

Hello JavaPlanner Community -

I’m noticing odd UI behavior when using the dhtmlx scheduler that’s packaged with the The browser I’m using is Google Chrome 34.0.1847.131.

In order to have the lightbox popup when an event is double-clicked, I have the following Javascript code in my html file:


What I’m noticing is that the lightbox only pops up when the mouse is positioned over the time range header in the event. The cursor switches to a cursor: pointer cursor when the mouse is in that location. If I double-click anywhere else in the eventbox, the lightbox does not pop up but instead, the edit sidebar is toggled on and off. This is especially frustrating for an event that lasts several hours and there’s a lot of space in the eventbox that is “double-clickable”, but the clicks don’t yield a lightbox.

I’m able to see the desired behavior if I take the contents of the latest dhtmlx scheduler download and overwrite the bundled dhtmlx scheduler that’s part of the java planner download.

Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Is this a known issue? If so, is it safe to overwrite the scheduler that’s bundled with the java planner zip file?
