drag and drop of cells in between grids

sir, I got your answer regarding the “mercy drag mode”. However, I need only a cell form a certain row to be dragged and dropped to another grid.

There is no such built in functionality , but you can use event handler and define any custom reaction.

    //code here will be executed when item from sourceGrid drag-n-dropped on item in target grid

The next values available, knowing them you can execute any necessary command ( setting value, adding new row, etc )
     sid:  ID of source item
     tid:  ID of target item
     sgrid:  source grid object
     tgrid:  target grid object
     scol:  index of column from which drag started
     tcol:  index of column in which drop occurs

    return false; // block default reaction

>> I need only a cell form a certain row to be dragged and dropped to another grid.
There is no way to make only few rows dragable ( can be done by code modification ) , but by using onDrag event handler you can block d-n-d reaction on unnecessary rows.