Drag and drop re-ordering problem

I am trying to implement drag and drop. My code is below:

It is not working as shown in this example:
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/0 … ering.html

Instead, it seems to drop in random spots as shown in this video (animated gif so just view in any browser)
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/0 … ering.html

The page is behind a secure site so I cant share the link but if that is necessary I will send details to get access privately, is there anything obvious I am doing wrong with the settings?

[code]gantt.config.columns = [
{name:“text”, label:“Task name”, width:"*", tree:true, template: function(task){

                if(task.type == 'task')
                return task.acronym+' '+task.text;
                    return task.text;
            } },
            {name:"progress",   label:"Status",  template:function(obj){
                return Math.round(obj.progress*100)+"%";
            }, align: "center", width:60 },
            {name:"priority",   label:"Priority",  template:function(obj){
                //return gantt.getLabel("priority", obj.priority);
                if(obj.type == 'task'){
                    if(obj.priority == 1){
                        return 'High';
                    else if (obj.priority == 2){
                        return 'Medium';
                    else if (obj.priority == 3){
                        return 'Low';
                    else if (obj.priority == 4){
                        return 'Urgent';
                    return '';
                return '';
            }, align: "center", width:60 },
            {name:"add",        label:"",           width:44 }
        gantt.config.grid_width = 390;
        gantt.config.duration_unit = "hour";
gantt.config.row_height = 27;
gantt.config.order_branch = true;
gantt.config.order_branch_free = true;
gantt.config.grid_resize = true;
gantt.config.static_background = true;
gantt.config.auto_scheduling_strict = true;


        var dp = new gantt.dataProcessor(baseURL+"gantt/");
        gantt.config.order_branch = true;
            headers: {
               "project_id": projectId



You didn’t attach a video.
I tried to reproduce and seems drag and drop re-ordering works properly with your code:

If this functionality works in the https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/07_grid/02_branch_ordering.html in your package with gantt, it means you redefined anything in yuor code and issue doesn’t related to Gantt.