I am using 2 grids. One grid for selection and one for catalog listings. The catalog listings have multiple categories (object1, object2). I have a select box above the grid that successfully changes the contents of the catalog grid. Each object that is selected have different columns but a small set of common columns that are used in the selection grid. For example:
Selection Grid Columns (brand, model_number, capacity, buttons)
Catalog Grid Columns for object 1( brand, model_number, capacity, object1 specific1, object 1 specific 2, object 1 specific 3, buttons)
Catalog Grid Columns for object 2( brand, model_number, capacity, object2 specific1, buttons)
I have the following row XML for object2:
MyBrand 33333 mycapacity 100 <a href="/object/quick_view/103" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'iframe', slideshowGroup: 'group1' } );"><img src='/stylesheets/img/ico/open.gif' alt="Quick View" title="Quick View" /></a>When I drag the row to the selection grid I would like only the following XML transferred:
<a href="/object/quick_view/103" onclick=“return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: ‘iframe’, slideshowGroup: ‘group1’ } );”><img src=’/stylesheets/img/ico/open.gif’ alt=“Quick View” title=“Quick View” /></a>
Is there a way to do this by enumerating the “named” columns (i.e. etc…)?
What’s the best way to do this?