I checked the documentation and didn’t find a way to accomplish such a funcionality but I’ve got to ask since there is a need for it.
Can you think of any way this can be done ? Somehow choose a few events and by dragging one be able to drag others simultaneously.
Also my boss picked my brain at something like making events with the some similar parameter better visible (by making all others change their colour to grey for example) when user clicks on event and when he clicks on the blank spaces in scheduler to go back to normal. I guess I could do this server side by changing colours of all the other events and store the old ones in the database and reloading the events each time. I wonder if this is the best way.
Currently it only can be done by custom client-side code, since currently scheduler does not support neither multiple selection nor group-dragging.
You can implement multiple selection using onClick and onEmptyClick events of the scheduler (storing ids selected on onClick and reseting them on empty click)
In order to drag multiple events, you can trace onEventDrag event. When the active event is moved by the scheduler, you can manually adjust timing of all selected events docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … event.html
It also better to be done using a client-side API, reloading events from the server would be too slow. You can define an event_class template, in which you could check properties of currently rendered events and compare it with the values of selected one and return an appropriate css class
I haven’t really gotten any time to actually try the modifications yu proposed until now.
I did as you proposed with the event id’s and store them in array in session storage.
I have one more question about the 2nd part though
What do you mean by ,adjust timing of all selected events".
I thought of doing this with onBeforeEventChanged. Get the time difference between the old and updated events dates and update all others with the same time difference.
I guess you thought of doing this another way but I can’t seem to figure out how exactly.
The perfect solution of course would be to get the same result as in dragging mutliple items in windows but I think that this might be too much for the broweser to handle ?
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