Is it possible to make tasks pane to scroll on mouse drag?
unfortunately there is no built-in solution. You may try trace mouse events manually and perform scrolling when dragged task reaches the end of the visible timeline area, or you may try third-party plugins for autoscroll (however, none of such plugins hasn’t been tested for compatibility with the component)
I use a couple of jQuery plugins to achieve this and it works great.
The first is dragscrollable.js (not sure where I found this, but just do a search). The second is jquery.mousewheel.js (
Once you’ve loaded these, just add the following after you’ve initialised the gantt chart:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('div.gantt_task').mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 100);
This allows you to click-and-drag the chart left and right or use the mouse wheel.
I tried just implementing the dragscrollable as I wanted only the dragscroll. Somehow that didn’t work as intended.
Played around a bit and but the below works (but vertical scrolling only)
$('div.gantt_data_area').dragscrollable({ acceptPropagatedEvent: true})
Any thoughts?
due to design of the scrolls, gantt listens different elements for vertical and horizontal scroll
The “div.gantt_data_area” (DOM reference - gantt.$task_data) is responsible for vertical drag,
and “div.gantt_task” (DOM ref - gantt.$task) goes for horizontal drag.
So if you want to invoke a horizontal scroll, you should work with ‘.gantt_task’ element.
There is also API method for scrolling, if it helps somehow
but when it scrolls with mouse scroll, the dates dosn’t appear… is there any solution?
Found this on the web and modified… does the job of horiz scrolling and takes into account tasks, drag handles, and link points. ref:
const ele = document.getElementsByClassName('gantt_task')[0]; = 'grab';
let pos = { top: 0, left: 0, x: 0, y: 0 };
const mouseDownHandler = function(e) {
var $el = $($([0]);
if ($el.hasClass("gantt_task_content") || $el.hasClass("gantt_task_drag") || $el.hasClass("gantt_link_point")) return; = 'grabbing'; = 'none';
pos = {
left: ele.scrollLeft,
top: ele.scrollTop,
// Get the current mouse position
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY,
document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler);
const mouseMoveHandler = function(e) {
// How far the mouse has been moved
const dx = e.clientX - pos.x;
const dy = e.clientY - pos.y;
// Scroll the element
gantt.scrollTo(pos.left - dx, null)
const mouseUpHandler = function() { = 'grab';'user-select');
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler);
// Attach the handler
ele.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDownHandler);
Hello TaliSeen,
Starting from the 6.3 version, you can add the Drag Timeline
extension and drag the timeline:
Here is the sample: