Drop down of month and year is not working in calender

hello i am using dhtmlxCalender previous version…That was working fine,Now I am facing error drop down for month and year is not working.problem image is also attached.
Code is below.

function getCalander(id){  
    	var calendarObj = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(id,true,{isYearEditable: true,isMonthEditable: true,isWinHeader:true,isWinDrag:false});
	return calendarObj;

function initfiscalCalender(){
		fiscalCalender = getCalander('fiscalYearEnding');

<input type="text" name="fiscalYearEnding" id="fiscalYearEnding" value=""/>

I have similar problem using DHX library 2.6 professional. Year and month are set to editable but clicking the month or year do not show the dropdown. Just the text field is displayed.
If you look at attached image, there is space between month name and comma. Could this be reason due to which dropdown for month and year are not showing up?

Try to update the version of your dhtmlxcalendar.