DropDown in DHTMLX Grid


I’m using the Grid control to display the values dynamicaly in that i need to implement dropdown dynamically.

Is there any process to display dynamic dropdown in DHTMLXGRID.

Can you provide any related (or)sample code to display dropdown inside the grid.

Thanks in Advance.

You may try to use “combo” excell type. It allow you to load options of the combo list from xml file.
Here is the working example of the functionality:
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … combo.html
Here you can find a tutorial about using a “combo” exCell:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … cell_combo

Hi Sematik,

Thanku so much for giving reply but my requirement is to laod dropdown dynamically using json,

and which coltypes i need to use please can you provide me related sample code (or) example.

Thank you.

You should use “combo” excell column type.
Here is the working example of the functionality:
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … combo.html

Unfortunately it is not available to load options of the combo from json. Combo supports only XML format of data.
But you may generate the needed xml manually.
Please, have a look at the third column in the example below. THe options are loaded from a php script which generates an xml from a simple txt file.

Unfortunately it is not available to load options of the combo from json.

Is this still true in DHTMLX 4? This would be a really nice feature.

Now it is available to load options to the combo from the json file.
Here you can find a working example with the json structure:
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxC … erver.html

Sorry, this thread is about a combo box in a grid. Is there a working example of how it works in a grid?

It’s ok.
Unfortunately there is no working example of loading the options to the “combo” in grid from json.
For example, you have in your grid xml:

<column width="*" type="combo" editable="false" source="combo_data.json" align="left" sort="str">combo column</column>

and your “combo_data.json” is something like this:

	options: [
		{value: "1", text: "one"},
		{value: "2", text: "two"},
		{value: "3", text: "three"}

in this case options will load correctly and display in your grid.