I dhtmlx grid i am applying filter using following method


The values for the column of type “link” are populated like this

“My Name^javascript:myFunction()^_self”

I have gone through

dhtmlx.com/docs/products/kb/inde … ter%20link

It is useful when i populate the grid using addRow() function to add rows in grid. But now i am making an xml string and initialize the grid using parse method. In this case some of select filter values are in the form of “My Name^javascript:myFunction()^_self”

Please help.


Umair Tariq

Xeeonix Tech

To fix this issue you can implement custom eXcell type which will return necessary value with getValue() method. At this case with any type of loading filters will be populated correctly. Please find more information here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … #grid_cexc