i have used this script to open the select on click of arrow to dispaly all the oprtions.
dhtmlxEvent(z.DOMelem,“click”,function(){z._last=(new Date()).valueOf();})
z.attachEvent(“onOpen”,function(){window.setTimeout(function(){if ((new Date()).valueOf()-(z._last||0) > 100) return; var text = z.getComboText();z.setComboText("");z.filterSelf();z.setComboText(text);},1);})
now if i default my option to any particular value. then that option is selected defaulty and also that option is shown as first option in dropdown. Means its showing the same options twice , once in the editable text and once as first option. i dont want to show it as first option if its already selected and present in editable area of combo.
plz help me in achieving this.
The selected option is not deleted from the list: its text appears in the combo input and the option still stay in the list.
There are no ways to change this behaviour.