For some reason, in a certain case of filtering on the dhtmlxgrid component, a specific record is output multiple times. However, when I look at the XML generated for the grid, it shows the record once.
What exactly would cause a record to be output multiple times when the XML data for the table is correct?
Please check that row has valid ID ( it must not be equal to false, null , 0 ) and each row has unique IDs ( non-unique IDs - most possible reason of problem )
If issue still occurs - please provide a sample of problematic XML
I’m getting the same error.
On the onFilterStart event, I loadXML from c#. That method is called twice. Why?? The onFilterStart event is executed only once.
If you are using grid in smart-rendering or paging mode, it can make extra call to request necessary records from server side.
If issue still occurs - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where issue can be checked.
The issue appeared after I updated to the newest scripts for dhtmlx grid.
It was fixed after I returned to the previous scripts.