Duration not calculating correctly

Hi Support,

I crated a sample project to check worktime calculation. In here when I entered same date for start and end date its giving duration as 0.

my configuration as follows.

var startDateEditor = { type: date, map_to: start_date };
var endDateEditor = { type: date, map_to: end_date};
var durationEditor = { type: number, map_to: duration ,formatter: formatter };

{ name: start_date, label: Start time, align: center, editor: startDateEditor },
{ name: end_date, label: End time, align: center, editor: endDateEditor },
{ name: duration, label: Duration, align: center, editor: durationEditor },

gantt.config.auto_scheduling = true;
gantt.config.schedule_from_end = false; //if auto sheduling true , ASAP default contraint for new task

gantt.config.work_time = true; // removes non-working time from calculations
gantt.config.skip_off_time = false; // hides non-working time in the chart
gantt.config.duration_unit = day;//day
gantt.config.round_dnd_dates = false; //to enable drag and drop

// //changes the working time of working days
var workingTime:string=9:00-18:00;
gantt.setWorkTime({ hours:[workingTime] });

//makes a specific date a working day
gantt.setWorkTime({date : new Date(2021, 4, 11)});

//makes a specific date a day-off
gantt.setWorkTime({date:new Date(2021,4,14), hours:false})

var WorkingHoursPerDay :number=8;
var WorkingHoursPerWeek :number=40;
var WorkingDaysPerMonth :number=30;

// formatting the duration
var formatter = gantt.ext.formatters.durationFormatter({
enter: day,
store: day, // duration_unit
format: day,
hoursPerDay: WorkingHoursPerDay,
hoursPerWeek: WorkingHoursPerWeek,
daysPerMonth: WorkingDaysPerMonth

can you please let me know where is the issue.

If you enter the same date, you will need to specify different hours as by default, the date starts at 00:00.
If you want to specify the date with the inline editor, you will need to create a custom inline editor.

Gantt uses the non-inclusive duration. There is no way to change how Gantt works, but you can change what is displayed to the users by using the templates:
Here is an example of how it works: