Dynamic loading + Smart rendering + Native JSON format


Its seems to be a problem with the “Native JSON format” and “Dynamic loading” with the “Smart rendering”.

The doc about “Native JSON format” :

docs.dhtmlx.com/grid__data_forma … jsonformat

I explain it :

Client side :

    mygrid.load('pathToMyServer', false, 'js');

Server side :

//....more data of courses

So the first call is ok, i have been 50 rows loaded and displayed. But when I scroll, the previous rows are updated whith a shuffle display … and more I scroll … more the grid
spin out of control. the “pos” and “total_count” are correct.

I do the same things with the “dhtmlx Json format” like above and its work very well …

Client side :

    mygrid.load('pathToMyServer', false, 'json');

Server side :

//....more data of courses

Please someone can tell me what the hell it’s going on ???

PS : I can use the second format because key pair value are note allowed …

Please, try to generate an id attribute for your row in native json.
So you’ll have something like that:

{ "total_count":1037, "pos":0, "data":[ { "id":"1", "c_colleague_id":0, "c_firstname":"Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric", "c_lastname":"MARTIN", "c_email":"fmartin@myco.fr" }, //....more data of courses ]
Note: id cannot be “0”.


I am having the same problem. Were you able to get it working? If so, how?

