Can’t seem to get dynamic loading due to total_count and posStart not being sent to server.
Documentation says:
Load your variant of file with the following command (put it into script block right after mygrid.enableSmartRendering):
"…right after… will require an architectural change.
Current Method:
I build my grid in a dhtmlx window.
I build the window and grid (and some other components)
from a script call near the end of the of my html page.
When the page is loaded, I call the server for data to fill the grid.
In the past, the server wrote out an xml file and handded the URL back to the client.
In implementating dynamic loading,
I added
(atOnce is susally about 50, user setable)
after myAgrid.init();
when the grid is built.
When page is loaded, after some logic and parameter collection we call the
server to retreive some data.
Here, I must use a ‘filter’ because I use cgi to call a Windows Service that connects to my database and scripting language. my string looks like this:
gridQString = oereqs+’?ACTION_CODE=LIBRARY&mtype=’+mtype+’&USERNAME=’+username+"&libview="+libview+"&startPos=0&mycount="+atOnce
It is my understanding that posStart=0&count=50 (value of atOnce above)
would be appended to the string. In my case it is not.
I can set the values at the server and send back a properly formatted xml file with
xmlout :=’’
The xml formatted data is handed back.
The first block loads as expected, but no more server requests are made.
What am I overlooking?
Paxton Scott
Have fun