I am currently working on v.1.6 Standard edition. The example given regarding dynamic smart render method does not seem to work for me… the posStart and count properties are not being sent to the server when i perform
can anyone help me please??? … i call an asp page and inturn that calls a webservice…
isnt dynamic smart rendering supported in standard edition?
please guide
thanks in advance
The enableSmartRendering just inform grid that it will need to work in dynamic mode. The loading must be started same as in common init with
The first XML loaded from server must contain rows@total_count with count of expected rows.
>>isnt dynamic smart rendering supported in standard edition?
If problem still occurs - please provide more details, is it doesn’t load anything, show js error, or not load additional data while scrolling?
( you may try to use debug version of dhtmlxcommon.js to get more details about server side response - dhtmlx.com/docs/products/kb/inde … tmlxcommon )