When i am trying to edit a cell with values 0, the cell is not filled with 0.Instead it is filled with blank .Here is the peice of code in my jsp
// alert(“capacityArray”+capacityArray);
var k = 2;
for(var j = 0 ; j < capacityArray.length ; j++) {
k = k+1;
where capacity Array holds the value as 0. Please let me know do i need to set any attribute in the XML.Looking forward for the reply.
The code snippet is correct.
Default column types, such as “ed”|“ro” or siimilar will set value as is, some others may do such conversion ( 0 to empty space )
Which column type used in your case ?
I defined the column types as
please let me know is this correct or not.
There is a known issue with math based excells ( such as ed[=sum] ) which will treat incoming data as formulas ( which converts 0 to the empty value )
Please contact us directly at support@dhtmlx.com and provide your ref. number - we will patched code.