edit of record with render_sql not working


I implemented a filter for the displayed records… show up correctly, deletes correctly, insert works, but when i move/edit an event, it displays the text in red then on refresh, reverts back to the original values??. i used the code from the sample, i just can’ figure it out. I’ve tried all types of scenarios to no success.
are there any debug settings that can be turned on or something i’m missing?.. if i go back to render_Table model, the edit/updates work no problem. this is a simple table no joins – based on the sample table


$scheduler->render_sql("select * from events where userid = ".$user_id, “event_id”,“start_date,end_date,event_title,details, client_id, property_id, inspector_id, userid,datecreated, createdby, lastmodified, modifiedby”);

Thanks in advance,

check the server response from the php handler, there might be an error description