Editing Cells in DHTMLXGRID in iframe with IE7 (Version 2.5)


I have a dhtmlx-Tabbar in which i open .jsp’s in iframes:

For example:

var tabbar = dhxLayout.cells(“b”).attachTabbar();

tabbar.setImagePath("<%= dhtmlxPath %>/imgs/");



tabbar.addTab(“a1”, “Allgemein”, “100px”);

tabbar.setContentHref(“a1”,"/<%= projectId %>/osr9000_demo_allgemein.jsp?TWRKC=<%=twrkc%>&SORD=<%=sord%>&SCHICHT="+document.getElementById(‘SCHICHT’).value);

In some of this jsp Sites a DHTMLX-Grid is used:

For Example:

mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);

        mygrid.imgURL = “<%= dhtmlxPath %>/imgs/”;

        mygrid.setHeader(“Vorfall,Von,Bis,Zeitdauer,Stillstand [Y/N],Stillstand [h],Teil,Grund,Bemerkung,Status,Techniker”);









When i try to edit cells in FireFox it works fine.

But in IE it shows up following error:

Meldung: ‘target’ ist Null oder kein Objekt

Zeile: 395

Zeichen: 36

Code: 0

URI: localhost:8080/os/dhtmlx/dhtmlx.js

What am I doing wrong?


the issue wasn’t reproduced locally. Please, provide the complete demo where we can recreate the issue (the sample can be also sent to support@dhtmlx.com).