When I create a view and add form to it containing editor, the firs appearance of the view is fine. When you close the view and reopen it (Test 1 button in test app) then the form will not appear correctly. When I replace editor with input - all works perfectly fine.
When I create the window with toolbar and form containing Editor and attach Popup to toolbar button and file upload to that popup (Test 2 button in test app) - it will work when the window will be open for the first time. Second time will cause popup not appear. When I replace editor with input - all works perfectly fine.
Here is the demo application (please accept self-signed certificate).
case 'buttonCloseCal':
please, try to unload the view before showing nexrt one:
case 'buttonCloseCal':
closing the window you do not destruct its object, while pressing “Test 2” button you are trying to create a completely object of window and attach a completely new toolbar, uploader… to it.
Please, try to avoid “recreating” the existing objects on your page to avoid errors.
Regarding point 1 - thank you it solved the problem
Regarding point 2 - I am doing it this way always and the only issue is when the editor appears in the form. It does not happen when I add editor in different layout’s cell in window. What is your suggestion?
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