Empty leading gantt.config.scale_unit


I have noticed that the the GANTT view inerts a leading empty gantt.config.scale_unit (hour / day / week / month).

Is there any way to supress this behaviour?
See attached image and example below.

---- CODE ----

//GANTT configuration
gantt.config.duration_unit = “hour”;
gantt.config.duration_step = 1;

gantt.config.scale_unit = “day”;
gantt.config.step = 1;
gantt.config.min_column_width = 50;
gantt.config.scale_height = 90;

var weekScaleTemplate = function(date){
var dateToStr = gantt.date.date_to_str(“%Y”);
return “Week”+ dateToStr(date) +“-”+ gantt.date.getISOWeek(date);

gantt.config.subscales = [
{unit:“week”, step:1, template:weekScaleTemplate},
{unit:“day”, step:1, date:“%D %d %M”},
{unit:“hour”, step:3, date:“%H:%i”}

gantt.config.columns = [
{name:“text”, label:“Task name”, tree:true},
{name:“duration”, label:“Duration”, align: “right”}

gantt.config.autosize = true; //“xy”;
gantt.config.readonly = true;
gantt.config.start_date = new Date(2014, 3, 18);

//Init GANTT

//Load data
var baseURI = unescape(location.href.split(‘.nsf’)[0] +‘.nsf’);
baseURI = baseURI.split(‘\’).join(‘/’);
var ganttURI = baseURI +“/dhtmlxgantt-data05.json”;
gantt.load(ganttURI, “json”);

------ JSON ----
“data”: [{
“id”: 1,
“start_date”: “18-04-2014 06:00:00”,
“duration”: 11,
“text”: “Ekhyddan”,
“progress”: 0.8,
“sortorder”: 20,
“parent”: 0,
“open”: true
}, {
“id”: 2,
“start_date”: “18-04-2014 06:00:00”,
“duration”: 4,
“text”: “Apa”,
“progress”: 0.5,
“sortorder”: 10,
“parent”: 1,
“open”: true
}, {
“id”: 3,
“start_date”: “18-04-2014 10:00:00”,
“duration”: 4,
“text”: “Bapa”,
“progress”: 0.7,
“sortorder”: 20,
“parent”: 1,
“open”: true
}, {
“id”: 4,
“start_date”: “19-04-2014 00:00:00”,
“duration”: 8,
“text”: “Task #3”,
“progress”: 0,
“sortorder”: 30,
“parent”: 1,
“open”: true

if the displayed date range is not specified, gantt calculates it based on task times. In this case it always add empty unit before the first task and after the last task. Currently it can’t be supressed.

You can avoid this by specifying date range explicitly, using start_date end_date configs
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt … onfig.html
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt … onfig.html

Thank you!
I think that will be a sufficient solution for now.

Although, an option to specify leading / trailing units would be nice! :wink: