Now I am using DHtmlXGrid(ver 1.6 Pro).
When I use Ajax, I found a error.
1, grid1.enableDistributedParsing(true, 20, 100);
2, New ajax.Request("xxxx ") {
OnSuccess:function(httpOject) {
var result = httpObject.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(“xxx”)[0];
grid1.parse(result); <======
3, If don’t set enableDistributedParsing, the searched data is display in grid, everything is OK.
But if set enableDistributedParsing, after all data is display in grid, two error dialog are shown.
error type: LoadXML
description: incorrect xml。
Question: who can tell me the reason, and how to correct it.
We cannot reproduce this issue locally. Please contact and provide sample where this issue occurs including files which you are using to init grid.