Enabling Text Selection and Copying in the Lightbox

Is there a way to enable text selection, copying, and clipboard functionality within the Lightbox? So far, I haven’t found any solution or flag to implement this. From what I can see, it appears to be blocked by an event. Can this be disabled or modified?

Hello @Jonas1,

It’s quite hard to give direct suggestions without your lightbox config, as looks like it’s quite customized.

Could you please reproduce your current config in the demo below:
(open the demo => reproduce your lightbox config => click the “Save” button => send me the new link)?

As by default, even section labels(description/Time Period)
are selectable(so you can select it and copy/paste)

Kind regards,

Thank you for your quick response.
Here is the link with the Lightbox configuration. I hope it helps. If you need any further information, just let me know, and I can provide it.


What I have now noticed is that it specifically affects the “selectStart” event, which prevents copying. If I remove it, I can copy, but doesn’t it come from the movement of the Lightbox?

Hello @Jonas1,

Unfortunately, the provided demo throws an error, when I opening it:

So I can’t test it or provide any suggestions, but scheduler logic affects selectstart event, so it may cause the described issue.

Kind regards,