error adding row in subgrid by contect menu in maingrid


the function “addRow” the following code throws the error “Error: this.obj.firstChild is null’

code snippet:

switch (menuitemId) {

        case “newContactAddress”:

            var data=memberGrid.contextID.split(”_");


            var mysubgrid = memberGrid.cellById(data[0],0).getSubGrid();






            return true;


this happens only when i add a new row to the subgrid by clicking a topic from contextual menu from the first row in maingrid (memberGrid). else it works like a charm (e.g. clicking contextual menu in second row in maingrid).

the error is made in dhtmlxGrid/codebase/dhtmlxgrid.js, line 853

any suggestions? thx

Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue locally. Please provide us complete example where we can reproduce it. Content of complete example you can find here … d_demo.htm

I found out why this happend:

only works, if
has finished!

Since the subgrid is loaded by dynamic xml it takes too long to open the subgrid and the addRow()-functon is called before the subgrid has built the firstChild-Object.
I solved it with adding a little alert-statement which enables the grid’s open()-process to finish BEFORE the subgrid’s addRow()-function is called.
It’s a nasty work around. Would be cool to have some listener on the grid’s open()-function which runs code only, if subgrid-cell is fully opened.

Would be cool to have some listener on the grid’s open()-function which runs code only, if subgrid-cell is fully opened.
To handler if sub grid was loaded you can use onSubGridLoaded event … _to_events