error answer


I installed the plugin on WP 3.0.1, for a while it worked perfectly, but now when I try to create a calendar event, it is not saved.

When you create a new event occurs POST request to

POST domain/wp-content/plugins/event-calendar-scheduler/codebase/dhtmlxSchedulerConfiguratorLoad.php?scheduler_events=true&editing=true

POST request

1291070615303_!nativeedit... inserted 1291070615303_end_date 2010-11-16 09:05:00 1291070615303_id 1291070615303 1291070615303_rec_pattern 1291070615303_rec_type 1291070615303_start_date 2010-11-16 09:00:00 1291070615303_text new event ids 1291070615303

And I see the response in FireBug:

<?xml version='1.0' ?> <data> <action type='error' sid='1291062174159' tid='1291062174159' > </action> </data>

However, when editing the event, the changes are saved. Delete an event can also be. Do not add new events. With what it can be connected, and how to fix it?

Thank you for your help.

Apache 2.2, php 5.2, mysql 5.1.3. Windows 2008 RC2.

Try to check “debug mode” in the admin panel. As result - error log will be generated for DB operations, which will include details about the error. ( log file will be created directly in plugin’s folder )

When debug mode is enabled, the log file is not even created. The truth on record in the catalog are worth. Is there a way somehow to another to find out what’s wrong? Perhaps, as some in the manual mode?

Error response means that DB operation failed, and it is quite hard to detect the reason without checking the logs.

You can try to alter dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php , line 917
$this->scheduler->enable_log($log_file_path, true);

and set some fixed path instead of $log_file_path;

Thank you for your answer!

The absolute path written - still does not write to log file (once again checked the rights to record, all right. Perhaps there is a plug-in especially when working on windows server?), May have the opportunity to record in the database? What kind of information (variable) I need to write to the database?

This is quite strange, because log file will be created for any data access operation, without relation is it correct or causes an error.

Normally, any db record will be catched at
dataprocessor.php , line 158
} catch (Exception $e){

in that point you can try to add the call to the mysql_error(); which must return details about the error.

This is answer:
