Error in 6.1.4 suite.js, line #21371 - wrong parameter name


On that line (21371) the function have parameter name, probably in Russian. It raised script validation exception for the computers without proper codepage.


I apologize for the delay.
Could you please, clarify the problematic string or provide the example, where the problem can be reproduced locally, as for me it is:

var index = core_1.findIndex(this.config.columns, function (с) { return с.id === id; });

And it seems to work correctly.

in the suite.js what I have I can see this line:

Grid.prototype.adjustColumnWidth = function (id) {
var index = core_1.findIndex(this.config.columns, function (с) { return с.id === id; });

The version is 6.1.4 and I received it just a few weeks ago.
I replaced the function argument pretty much as in your example and everything started working.


I apologize for that mistake. Thank you for your report.
The problem is confirmed. We’ll fix it in the nearest update.