Error in dependencies

I found an issue rendering projects that have the following type of dependency

  1. Parent task p
  2. Child task c
  3. Dependent task d, whom child task c is dependent on (i.e. c must complete before d can start)

When parent p begins before dependent task d, the “red error of death” is displayed. This project will reproduce the issue:

Parent 2011,1,26 64 0.00 Child 2011,2,2 8 0.00 222 Buster 2011,1,27 40 0.00

The central issue in the bug is that the control cannot create connecting lines to tasks that happen to be below a task in the chart. Conceptually the old code that had the bug would create the chart row by row, and if you ever had a dependency in one row to a task in a lower row, that dependency would throw an error since you can’t draw a line to a node that doesn’t exist yet. The gist of the change is that I had to create all of the tasks first, then create the connecting lines. To fix this error I had to make this update to the control:


  • @desc: Creation of tasks

  • @param: project - (object)project

  • @type: private

  • @topic: 4
    GanttChart.prototype.createTasks = function (project) {
    for (var j = 0; j < project.Project.ParentTasks.length; j++) {
    if (j > 0) {
    project.Project.ParentTasks[j - 1].nextParentTask = project.Project.ParentTasks[j];
    project.Project.ParentTasks[j].previousParentTask = project.Project.ParentTasks[j - 1];

     var task = new GanttTask(project.Project.ParentTasks[j], project, this);


    for (var j = 0; j < project.Project.ParentTasks.length; j++) {
    var task = project.arrTasks[j];

     if (project.Project.ParentTasks[j].ChildTasks.length > 0) {
         this.createChildItemControls(project.Project.ParentTasks[j].ChildTasks, project);


    for (var j = 0; j < project.arrTasks.length; j++) {
    this.createDependencyLines(project.arrTasks[j], project);


  • @desc: Creation of tasks
  • @param: arrChildTasks - array of child tasks
  • @param: project - (object)project
  • @type: private
  • @topic: 4
    GanttChart.prototype.createDependencyLines = function (task, project) {
    for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) {
    this.createDependencyLines(task.childTask[i], project);


  • @desc: creation of GanttTask

  • @type: private

  • @topic: 0
    GanttTask.prototype.create = function () {
    var containerTasks = this.Chart.oData.firstChild;
    var containerNames = null;
    if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) containerNames = this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild;
    var predecessorTask = this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTask;
    var parentTask = this.TaskInfo.ParentTask;
    var isCParentTask = (this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks.length > 0);
    var self = this;

    this.cTaskItem = [];
    this.cTaskNameItem = [];
    this.cTaskOwnerItem = [];
    this.cTaskStatusItem = [];

    //creation arrTasks
    if (!parentTask) {
    if (this.TaskInfo.previousParentTask) {
    this.previousParentTask = this.Project.getTaskById(this.TaskInfo.previousParentTask.Id);
    var lastChildTask = this.Chart.getLastChildTask(this.previousParentTask);
    this.posY = parseInt(lastChildTask.cTaskItem[0] + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11;
    this.previousParentTask.nextParentTask = this;

     } else {
         this.posY = parseInt(this.Project.projectItem[0] + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11;


    if (parentTask) {
    var task = this.Project.getTaskById(this.TaskInfo.ParentTask.Id);
    this.parentTask = task;

     if (this.TaskInfo.previousChildTask) {
         this.previousChildTask = this.Project.getTaskById(this.TaskInfo.previousChildTask.Id);
         var lastChildTask = this.Chart.getLastChildTask(this.previousChildTask);
         this.posY = parseInt(lastChildTask.cTaskItem[0] + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11;
         this.previousChildTask.nextChildTask = this;
     } else {
         this.posY = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[0] + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11;


    if (predecessorTask) {
    var task = this.Project.getTaskById(predecessorTask.Id);
    this.predTask = task;

    //creation task item

    if (this.Chart.panelNames) {

    if (this.Chart.panelStatus) {

    if (this.Chart.panelOwner) {

    if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) {

    return this;


  • @desc: creation of GanttTask connecting lines

  • @type: private

  • @topic: 0
    GanttTask.prototype.createConnectingLines = function () {
    //Create Connecting Lines
    var arrConnectingLines = [];
    var predecessorTask = this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTask;
    if (predecessorTask) arrConnectingLines = this.createConnectingLinesDS();

    if (this.Chart.panelNames) {
    //Create Connecting Lines
    var arrConnectingLinesNames = [];
    var parentTask = this.TaskInfo.ParentTask;
    if (parentTask) {
    this.cTaskNameItem[0].style.left = parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].style.left) + 15 + “px”;
    arrConnectingLinesNames = this.createConnectingLinesPN();

     var treeImg = null;
     var isCParentTask = (this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks.length > 0);
     if (isCParentTask) treeImg = this.createTreeImg();


Feel free to use this code to fix the chart. So far i’ve been very happy with it.


Thank you, we will use it.