Want to do server side sorting . That described here : docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … _sorting&s[]=server&s[]=side
But it return error : Uncaught ReferenceError: gridQString is not defined .
Can you direct how true it must be ?
With best regards !
I found that this string must be external file name for data load … 
Other question , related to this “server side sorting” . Mine load request look like that :
mygrid.load( “uzs1.php?fieds_of_query=” + slc_fld );
slc_fld here - formated string : “uzsak,telkinys,preke,uzs_kiekis” and etc. In server side sorting sample is a sample to send to server which column sort and direction of sorting .
Now I did :
function sortGridOnServer( ind, gridObj, direct )
mygrid.load( "uzs1.php?fieds_of_query="+slc_fld+"?orderby="+ind+"?direct="+direct );
mygrid.setSortImgState( true, ind, direct );
return false;
But server side php can’t recognize such string - because here are many “,” :
After sorting command I’m getting request ( $_REQUEST[ “fieds_of_query” ]) with full order information “?orderby=3?direct=asc” .
With “&” nothing is working . It look like & is ignored . How to do request to server , that something similar can work ?
With best regards !