Error in Help

dhtmlxValidation.isGreater100(data) if (data=="") return true;// returns 'true' if a cell is empty return (data>100); }; mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); mygrid.setSkin("dhx_skyblue"); mygrid.setImagePath("./codebase/imgs/"); mygrid.setHeader("Name, Email, Age"); mygrid.setColValidators("Greater100", ); mygrid.init();

I thing this must be

[code]dhtmlxValidation.isGreater100 = function(data){

When i try this i get always “Incorrect validation rule: isGreater100”

found it, i havend to use isGreater100 but Greater100

Thank you for your note. An error in docs is confirmed and will be corrected in the near future.