Error in java class ArrayConnectorResultSet

Hi, Im using the scheduler. It´s working now, but I have an error in this class:

[code]import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class ArrayConnectorResultSet extends ConnectorResultSet implements
Iterable {

protected Iterable<Object> result = null;
protected Iterator<Object> it = null;

public ArrayConnectorResultSet(Iterable<Object> data) {
	result = data;
	it = result.iterator();

 * Gets the next record in result set
 * @return the hash of data for the next record in result set
public HashMap<String,String> get_next() {
	HashMap<String,String> data = new HashMap<String,String>();
	if (!it.hasNext()) return null;
	Object item =;
	Field[] fields = item.getClass().getFields();
	try {
		for (Field field : fields)
			data.put(field.getName(), field.get(item).toString());
	} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
	} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
	return data;

public Iterator<Object> iterator() {
	return null;


specifically on this part:

public Iterator iterator() {
return null;


Whats wrong??

Can you help me?

could you provide error stacktrace or any other details?

Thanks for your answer, my app works correctly, so there isnt an stacktrace. But in my Flex Project marks the iterator with a red underline. Is there a new version for the class??

It must provide some message with red line. Could you provide it?
No, it’s the last version and usually it works correctly.

The message is:
The method iterator() of type ArrayConnectorResultSet must override a superclass method

What´s wrong??

thanks again.

please, try to remove keyword @Override before method definition:

public Iterator<Object> iterator() {
	return null;

Thanks so much.