error loading xml



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="codebase/skins/dhtmlxform_dhx_skyblue.css">
<script src="codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js"></script>
<script src="codebase/dhtmlxform.js"></script>
	var myForm;
	function doOnLoad() {
		myForm = new dhtmlXForm("myForm");
[/code] xml [code]<?xml version="1.0"?>


error in chrome

and not working column in ie ???


The problem with your XML is on the wrong encoding type.
You should set the encoding type corresponding to your data.

set the value

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <items> <item type="settings" labelHeight="20" inputHeight="19"/> <item type="checkbox" label="Анамнез (при постановці на облік, в динаміці спостереження)." name="Anamnez" position="label-right" > <item type="select" label="форма №" name="FormAnamnez"> <option value="" label=""/> </item> <item type="newcolumn"/> <item type="button" value="+"/> <item type="newcolumn"/> <item type="button" value="Направление"/> </item> <item type="checkbox" label="Загальне фізикальне обстеження по органам і системам (при постановці на облік, в динаміці спостереження)." name="zagal" position="label-right" > <item type="select" label="форма №" name="FormZag"> <option value="" label=""/> </item> <item type="newcolumn"/> <item type="button" value="+"/> <item type="newcolumn"/> <item type="button" value="Направление"/> </item>

nothing happening still xml error

Hello again,

in your xml data is not in UTF-8 encoding.
You should either set the right encoding type that is according to your data,
or set the data in UTF-8 encoding:

[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



same result with chrome, i.e. ;((( error loading xml

but in firefox 3.6 and safari working well

set the encoding to utf-8 using form 3.0


With the xml from previous post we have no any errors in IE or Chrome

strange :frowning: but i have an error

can you send working example with codebase ?

here is my exmaple
not working in chrome.7z (76.8 KB)

that right example
not working.7z (46.4 KB)

error in chrome

XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///forms/samples/01_init/form1.xml?e=1305959304608. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

no column work in chrome

similar to i.e.


fixed sorry :slight_smile:

have some question about fields in newcolum

why if i have three columns and have in first column , at second and last column

labels are match and input are not ;( how to fix it that two labels and input be in one line ???

i change values for labelheight and inputheight but it trivial …

Unfortunately issue can’t be reconstructed locally.

If issue still occurs for you - please provide a complete demo.

in safari 208.xml with setting labelHeight=“20” inputHeight=“19”

but at end of list visual is not corresponding label and input ;(

in chrome 208 chrome.xml with setting labelHeight=“20” inputHeight=“15”
in ie 208 chrome.xml with setting labelHeight=“20” inputHeight=“15”

same issue ;(

is possibly that label-input-label be in one line ???
xml form.7z (1.6 KB)

complete demo

complete demo.7z (51.3 KB)

Try to use the attached formatted xml instead of yours. (1.59 KB)

thx, i am greatfull :smiley: