Error Rendering Recurring Events

Thanks in advance.

For legitimate design reasons, I wanted to be able to add events to the scheduler without going through the dhtmlxScheduler pre-existing interface. The event data would then be stored into a database. As far as I know, the data is being stored and returned in XML properly. For recurring events, however, the following error occurs when a recurring event tries to be rendered:

“[“transpose_” + F.rec_pattern] is not a function”, and this error occurs in dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js

From this description, would you happen to know anything going on? Thanks again. Seriously appreciate it.


It seems that event is saved with or has incorrect rec_type property.
Please specify all event properties with their values in case you save recurring event.

Best regards,

Ilya, what you’ve said makes sense and I don’t disagree. I’m not sure exactly how my rec_type is off (from looking at the examples under Recurring Events). Here’s the XML that is crashing it:

<event id="UserEvent18">
<start_date>2010-10-22 01:45:00</start_date>
<end_date>2010-10-27 00:00:00</end_date>
<text><b>dchang 10/20 test</b></text>
<details><b>dchang 10/20 test</b></details>

Thanks again. Appreciate it.


Should be:


To further explain # part:
#2 - will stop after two occurances
#no - has no end date

Best regards,

Thanks a bunch Ilya - Many thanks!