Error using filter and paging together


is it possible to specify the a grid select filter with a custom list of options? If paging is used, the list generated contains only elements that are visible in the loaded data. I would like to specify a complete list to show the user what could be there. is it possible to access the drop down box directly?

Also when using a grid filter and paging together, I get an error because the total number of rows in the database is greater than the rows loaded into the page. it seems as though if I have 20 rows on screen, and the search term I am filter by is not in that 20 then the script continues look for row 21, which does not exist, thereby causing the error.

Thanks for any help

is it possible to specify the a grid select filter with a custom list of options?
You can use “onCollectValues” event … lectvalues

is it possible to access the drop down box directly?
To access to the filter element you can use getFilterElement() method … tering_api … terelement

Also when using a grid filter and paging together, I get an error because the total number of rows in the database is greater than the rows loaded into the page
Client side filtering require all rows to be loaded. It incompatible with dynamic loading. In case of dynamic loading you should use server side filtering. … parameters

Also you can try to use dhtmlxConnectors extension. dhtmlxConnector is a set of PHP classes which helps to simplify server side operations related to dhtmlx library components (dhtmlxGrid/TreeGrid, dhtmlxTree, dhtmlxCombo, dhtmlxScheduler).