Error when creating multiple events


I’ve used a script that I found on one of these forum posts that makes each instance of a recurring event its own database entry.
It works, but I get en error in the JavaScript console, and the name of the event doesn’t stop going bold (implying it hasn’t been saved properly).

I get the following error:

I can’t work out how to fix the issue, as all of the errors are from your code, and I’m not really sure how it all works.

You can try out the system here:
When creating an event, remember that you need to select at least one of the locations on the list.

Can’t reconstruct the issue from my side ( recurring event was created and saved sucessfully )
From stack trace it looks as server side returns event id which doesn’t exists on client side, which causes js error. ( above mentioned code, which convert recurring events to normal events - is not a part of oficially supported functionality, by the way )

What browser are you using?

I’m using Chrome, and when I make the recurring events, although it saves successfully, the text of the event stays bold.

For you, does the text on the recurring instances stay bold, or does it go back to not being bold?

I was able to confirm the issue, not quite sure where it is in your code, but it seems the next occurs

you have created new events from recurring series, they are sent to server side, and before response received, one of them was marked as updated.

Do you run some event modification code after converting recurent to group of separate events ?

Fixed it, thanks!

It was this line:

if (new_id!=new_event_id) //added dp.setUpdated(new_id, true, "inserted");