Error when entering Eneter key in grid edit cell

var testGridColumns = [
	{id:"TEST1", type:"string", header:[{text:"TEST1"}], editorType:"input", editable: true}
var testGrid = new dhx.Grid(docLayout.getCell("a"), {
	selection: "cell"
	, multiselection: true
	, tooltip: false
	, css: "custom-grid"

testGrid.setColumns(testGridColumns );

If you set the selection property to “cell” in the grid property, edit the TEST1 column on the screen, and press the Enter key several times, the following error occurs.
Grid does not work after an error occurs.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value') 
at s.endEdit (suite.js:22) 
at _.I.editEnd (suite.js:13) 
at Object.enter [as handler] (suite.js:22) 
at HTMLDocument._initHandler (suite.js:13)

s.endEdit @ suite.js:22
I.editEnd @ suite.js:13
enter @ suite.js:22
_initHandler @ suite.js:13

If the selection attribute is set to “row”, no error occurs.
Why? I want to know how to solve it.

Thank you for your report. The problem is confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.

I apologize for the delay with the reply. That issue was fixed in the latest (7.2.5) dhx.Suite update