Evaluating - Software and Customizer CSS tool

I am evaluating the software. I went on your site to do a custom CSS file. I chose “skyblue” just to see if your customizing of styles would work when it gave them all in one file.

What I found out was the menu (haven’t tried them all) didn’t work. Messing around with it in my code, I then went and tried it in one of your example menus you get when downloading the menu zip.

Found it didn’t work there. So I took the samples css first load it for my test page. That worked with CSS but the arrows where missing. So then I copied the sample images and applied them to the test page I was doing and the arrows appeared.

So, it doesn’t seem the customizer tool is working properly.

So was I missing something? Or does it not work right? no one ever responded to the question it just floated from presales over to this new forum topic…

Be sure that you have placed dhtmlx_custom.css after dhtmlx.css on a page ( dhtmlx.css must not be removed ).
The generated css contains only redefined colors and fonts definitions, so old css file still required.

Also, be sure to place new img directory correctly ( as many visual elements depends on background images, and without correct img folder they will look badly )