Evaluation: Bugs or missing features?

I am using the DHTMLX Scheduler .NET 3.0 Evaluation Version

I am evaluating the scheduler and I like it very much. But there are 4 Major issues I have and I am wondering whether these are bugs, missing features or my bads?

  1. The outsite mini calendar is not in sync with the scheduler. means when I navigate in the scheduler with the previous / forward buttons the calender does not update its current date.
  2. I can only set specific blocktimes for unit-view and timeline-view. But not for weekly-view. How can I set specific blocking times in the weekl-view for a certain ID.
  3. I cannot update a unit list containing the sections which were created in ASP.NET with unit.AddOptions(). Using ServerList or updateCollection as described here docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … rlist.html was not working
  4. For some blocking areas there is a left margin. Bug?

Here is a screenshot:

Thank you very much for your answer.
Cheers Fabrice


The outsite mini calendar is not in sync with the scheduler
It depends on the used code, there is a way to create an external calendar which tracks the scheduler or fully standalone minicalendar


How can I set specific blocking times in the weekl-view for a certain ID.
In week view you can block time only based on time, without ability to limit by some specific ID.
Week view doesn’t separate events by any IDs, so it allows to define rules only for all events. Only timeline and unit views allow to define ID based rules.

  1. how did you retreive collection that used for a unit view? Following should allow updating

var listName = scheduler.config.serverLists[unitViewName]; scheduler.updateCollection(listName, newCollection);
4) please provide a complete demo, or an online link to that page