I am using the DHTMLX Scheduler .NET 3.0 Evaluation Version
I am evaluating the scheduler and I like it very much. But there are 4 Major issues I have and I am wondering whether these are bugs, missing features or my bads?
- The outsite mini calendar is not in sync with the scheduler. means when I navigate in the scheduler with the previous / forward buttons the calender does not update its current date.
- I can only set specific blocktimes for unit-view and timeline-view. But not for weekly-view. How can I set specific blocking times in the weekl-view for a certain ID.
- I cannot update a unit list containing the sections which were created in ASP.NET with unit.AddOptions(). Using ServerList or updateCollection as described here docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … rlist.html was not working
- For some blocking areas there is a left margin. Bug?
Here is a screenshot:
Thank you very much for your answer.
Cheers Fabrice