event_bar_text - multiple week events

I would like to keep the event_bar_text display in the first week of a multiple week event, but not on the other weeks of the event. Notice how the events in the attached image display event_bar_text on each week of the event.

Can someone help me with this?

The only way - code modification. You can locate next lines

var copy=this._copy_event(ev);

and replace them as

var copy=this._copy_event(ev);
copy.text = “”;

I found this code in the dhtmlxscheduler.js file:

var B=this._copy_event(L);

And replaced them as:

var B=this._copy_event(L);

But, the change did not help me. I am defining scheduler.templates.event_bar_text with custom text:

			//initialize variables
			var thiseventtourid = event.tourid;
			var returntext = '';
			var ttext = '';
			var stext = '';
			var wtext = '';
			var ftext = '';
			var etext = '';
			var itext = '';
			var ttextlen = '';
			var stextlen = '';
			var wtextlen = '';
			var ftextlen = '';
			var etextlen = '';
			var itextlen = '';
			//build the string of items
			mysql_data_seek($Cconstinfo, 0);
			while($Rconstinfo = mysql_fetch_array($Cconstinfo)){
				if($Rconstinfo['itemtype'] == 'Task'){
					$tourid = $Rconstinfo['tourid'];
					var thisqtourid = "<?php echo $tourid;?>";
					if(thiseventtourid == thisqtourid){
						ttext = ttext + '<?php echo $Rconstinfo['itemname'];?>, ';
			mysql_data_seek($Cconstinfo, 0);
			while($Rconstinfo = mysql_fetch_array($Cconstinfo)){
				if($Rconstinfo['itemtype'] == 'Supervisor'){
					$tourid = $Rconstinfo['tourid'];
					var thisqtourid = "<?php echo $tourid;?>";
					if(thiseventtourid == thisqtourid){
						stext = stext + '<?php echo $Rconstinfo['itemname'];?>, ';
			mysql_data_seek($Cconstinfo, 0);
			while($Rconstinfo = mysql_fetch_array($Cconstinfo)){
				if($Rconstinfo['itemtype'] == 'Welder'){
					$tourid = $Rconstinfo['tourid'];
					var thisqtourid = "<?php echo $tourid;?>";
					if(thiseventtourid == thisqtourid){
						wtext = wtext + '<?php echo $Rconstinfo['itemname'];?>, ';
			mysql_data_seek($Cconstinfo, 0);
			while($Rconstinfo = mysql_fetch_array($Cconstinfo)){
				if($Rconstinfo['itemtype'] == 'Fitter'){
					$tourid = $Rconstinfo['tourid'];
					var thisqtourid = "<?php echo $tourid;?>";
					if(thiseventtourid == thisqtourid){
						ftext = ftext + '<?php echo $Rconstinfo['itemname'];?>, ';
			mysql_data_seek($Cconstinfo, 0);
			while($Rconstinfo = mysql_fetch_array($Cconstinfo)){
				if($Rconstinfo['itemtype'] == 'Electrician'){
					$tourid = $Rconstinfo['tourid'];
					var thisqtourid = "<?php echo $tourid;?>";
					if(thiseventtourid == thisqtourid){
						etext = etext + '<?php echo $Rconstinfo['itemname'];?>, ';
			mysql_data_seek($Cconstinfo, 0);
			while($Rconstinfo = mysql_fetch_array($Cconstinfo)){
				if($Rconstinfo['itemtype'] == 'Insulator'){
					$tourid = $Rconstinfo['tourid'];
					var thisqtourid = "<?php echo $tourid;?>";
					if(thiseventtourid == thisqtourid){
						itext = itext + '<?php echo $Rconstinfo['itemname'];?>, ';
			//concatenate the strings
			if(ttext != ''){
				//get the length of the string of insulators
				ttextlen = ttext.length;
				//remove the last two characters - the comma and the space
				ttextlen = ttextlen - 2;
				ttext = ttext.slice(0, ttextlen);
				var ttextlong = ttext;
				ttext = ttext.substr(0,85);
				ttext = ttext +'...';
				//build the jobname string
				returntext = returntext + '<span title="Tasks: '+ttextlong+'" style="cursor:default;"><strong>Job: </strong>' + event.jobname +'
				returntext = returntext + '<strong>Tasks:</strong> ';	
				returntext = returntext + ttext;
				if(stext != '' || wtext != '' || ftext != '' || etext != '' || itext != ''){
					returntext = returntext + '
				}else if(stext == '' && wtext == '' && ftext == '' && etext == '' && itext == ''){
					returntext = returntext;
				//build the jobname string
				returntext = returntext + '<span style="cursor:default;"><strong>Job: </strong>' + event.jobname +'
			if(stext != ''){
				//get the length of the string of insulators
				stextlen = stext.length;
				//remove the last two characters - the comma and the space
				stextlen = stextlen - 2;
				stext = stext.slice(0, stextlen);
				returntext = returntext + '<strong>Supervisor:</strong> ';	
				returntext = returntext + stext;
				if(wtext != '' || ftext != '' || etext != '' || itext != ''){
					returntext = returntext + '
				}else if(wtext == '' && ftext == '' && etext == '' && itext == ''){
					returntext = returntext;
			if(wtext != ''){
				//get the length of the string of insulators
				wtextlen = wtext.length;
				//remove the last two characters - the comma and the space
				wtextlen = wtextlen - 2;
				wtext = wtext.slice(0, wtextlen);
				returntext = returntext + '<strong>Welders:</strong> ';	
				returntext = returntext + wtext;
				if(ftext != '' || etext != '' || itext != ''){
					returntext = returntext + '
				}else if(ftext == '' && etext == '' && itext == ''){
					returntext = returntext;
			if(ftext != ''){
				//get the length of the string of insulators
				ftextlen = ftext.length;
				//remove the last two characters - the comma and the space
				ftextlen = ftextlen - 2;
				ftext = ftext.slice(0, ftextlen);
				returntext = returntext + '<strong>Fitters:</strong> ';	
				returntext = returntext + ftext;
				if(etext != '' || itext != ''){
					returntext = returntext + '
				}else if(etext == '' && itext == ''){
					returntext = returntext;
			if(etext != ''){
				//get the length of the string of insulators
				etextlen = etext.length;
				//remove the last two characters - the comma and the space
				etextlen = etextlen - 2;
				etext = etext.slice(0, etextlen);
				returntext = returntext + '<strong>Electricians:</strong> ';	
				returntext = returntext + etext;
				if(itext != ''){
					returntext = returntext + '
				}else if(itext == ''){
					returntext = returntext;
			if(itext != ''){
				//get the length of the string of insulators
				itextlen = itext.length;
				//remove the last two characters - the comma and the space
				itextlen = itextlen - 2;
				itext = itext.slice(0, itextlen);
				returntext = returntext + '<strong>Insulators:</strong> ';	
				returntext = returntext + itext;
			//close the span tag
			returntext = returntext + "</span>";
			//return the text
			return returntext;

In such case you can use

var B=this._copy_event(L); B.copy=true; B._length=M-L._sday;

and in your custom template

if (ev.copy) return "";