As I’ve said before there are additional handlers for recurring events on ‘onEventSave’ event which modify it’s properties. The XML you got as result seems to be correct.
Try creating recurring event, then modify one of the occurrences (change it’s text for example) and check XML for it - does it have event_pid property?
Sorry, dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js was not updated! But now it is and I get the same XML content, which seems to be correct.
But if I look at the event properties at onEventSave, they are for the recurring event:
Mon Jun 06 2011 07:00:00 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)/Mon Jun 06 2011 08:30:00 GMT+0300 (FLE Daylight Time)/New event/1307510108849/undefined/undefined/week_1___1,2,3#no/STARTUP
Properties event_pid and event_length are missing and end_date is different.
XML includes them also:
<start_date><![CDATA[2011-06-06 07:00]]></start_date>
<end_date><![CDATA[9999-02-01 00:00]]></end_date>
<text><![CDATA[New event]]></text>
Shouldn’t these properties be similar? Martti
No, for example you have recurring event with no end date which happens every Monday at 14:00 - 15:00. In XML for such series you will see
<start_date><![CDATA[2011-06-06 04:00]]></start_date>
<end_date><![CDATA[9999-02-01 00:00]]></end_date>
But then you open lightbox for whole series you won’t see that event ends at 9999 year as time properties will be converted beforehand. Same thing happens when you save it - properties are converted to match/describe whole series.