Event End Time not matching time Scales in the header

Hey Guys,

Concerned View : Timeline

As you see in this image the event End Times are not matching with the timing Scales into which the viewing area is divided and also with the header times.

The configuration I am using is:

SCHEDULER.config.details_on_dblclick = true;
SCHEDULER.config.mark_now = false; //mark current time on the view
SCHEDULER.config.container_autoresize = false;
SCHEDULER.config.collision_limit = 1;
SCHEDULER.config.time_step = 15;
SCHEDULER.config.limit_drag_out = true;

Also the Dynamic configuration:

SCHEDULER.config.hour_size_px = 44
SCHEDULER.matrix[“timeline”].x_size = 24

I can’t seem to find any reasonable explanation as to why this is happening. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

please check this post
Probably you have the same issue

Thanks a lot!

I indeed overrode the bar padding!! Didn’t thought it was that trivial.