What type of event handlers are there available in the touch framework for text input?
I’m trying to create an onBlur trigger for a view:“text” but the onAfterselect does not seem to work
thanks in advance!
What type of event handlers are there available in the touch framework for text input?
I’m trying to create an onBlur trigger for a view:“text” but the onAfterselect does not seem to work
thanks in advance!
You can assign handler to the native dom event by using
dhx.event($$('myinput').getNode(), "blur", function(){
...custom code here...
Thank you for the response… But it doesn’t seem to work…
Here’s my code:
{view:“text”, name:“uren”, label:“uren”, id:‘field1’,type:“text”, labelWidth:130,name:“uren”},
{view:“text”, name:“uren”, label:“uren2”, id:‘uur2’,type:“text”, labelWidth:130,name:“uren”},
] };
dhx.event($$(‘field1’).getNode(), “blur”, function(){
alert (‘test123’)
I really tried it a couple times using the code, but it doesn´t respond, nor it gives an error either…
Sorry for the misleading information. You need to use getInput method instead of getNode.
dhx.event($$(‘field1’).getInput(), “blur”, function(){
I’ve attached the sample
sample.zip (183 KB)