Event handling in mobile scheduler

Is there a complete list of event handles for the mobile scheduler?
And how do you block the event details form from being displayed if the event handler fails?
For example, when the user presses the “Add” button to add an event, I want to check that they are logged in first so I popup a Login form. They should not get past this form until they enter a valid username and password.
To accomplish this I have

scheduler.config.bottom_toolbar = [
{ view:"button",id:"today",label:scheduler.locale.labels.icon_today,inputWidth:scheduler.xy.icon_today, align:"left",width:scheduler.xy.icon_today+6},
{ view:"segmented", id:"buttons",selected:"list",align:"center",multiview:true, options:[
	{value:"list", label:scheduler.locale.labels.list_tab,width:scheduler.xy.list_tab},
	{value:"day", label:scheduler.locale.labels.day_tab,width:scheduler.xy.day_tab},
    	{value:"month", label:scheduler.locale.labels.month_tab,width:scheduler.xy.month_tab}
{ view:"button",css:"add",id:"add", align:"right",label:" + ",inputWidth:42,width:50,click:"login"},
{ view:"label", label:"",inputWidth:42,width:50, batch:"readonly"}

Perhaps I could have accomplished the same thing with an event handler, but I don’t know what event handler is used when someone presses the “Add” button.
In any case, this works and the function “login” displays the popup login form. If authentication fails, or if the user presses Cancel on the Login form, I want to prevent the details form from being displayed. How do I do that?
Thanks very much in advance.


Please see the following post regarding custom “add” logic


Thanks again Alexandra. I’ll have a go at that.